As of last week, I have carefully decided to partner my business with doTERRA Essential Oils!!! WOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!
There are SOOOOOO many essential oil companies on the market, so I really did my research to find the BEST one. It was confusing and overwhelming to say the least! I only wanted to put my name against something I can trust, and that I could trust with my baby, my family and my friends. So to say I was picky is an understatement!!! (I wasted a lot of people’s time with my questions and interest, so I apologise for that!)
I finally chose doTERRA for a few reasons:
– They are 100% pure essential oils, and are sourced from their native origins. Meaning, that they were not inorganically grown on a farm purely for harvesting purposes. doTERRA source their plants all around the world, so they are grown and harvested from their indigenous habitat!
– They have a 3rd party to complete all of their testing to ensure the quality of the oil is 100% pure and “top notch”. Their testing is strict, and their standards are extremely high.
– Partnering with them is not a “pyramid scheme”. I did not want to collaborate with a company that put the hard sell on you, or gave you minimum orders to adhere too. I hate all that bullshit, and would feel uncomfortable discussing a product where that was my goal – to get money out of people. This is purely to share a passion, knowledge, and to help others NATURALLY using the power of essential oils.
– It is a beautiful and warm community. The people I have connected with so far are just amazing. I feel blessed to be a part of such a wonderful team 🙂
– The results. Most importantly, the benefits and results I have seen and heard about are phenomenal.
SO, to start my journey, I will be focusing on oils for pregnancy.
I will start by doing online videos discussing how to use them, I will be providing recipes on blends that can be used for certain situations we front when we’re preggers, I will be making it clear what oils we can and can’t use when we’re pregnant, and also practical ways we can use the oils around the home, for cleaning, relaxation, cuts/burns, etc.
Thank you for reading beautiful people.
Love, Erin xoxo